11/7/2012 12:57 PM
Premium and Lite Device Data Update
New Premium and Lite device data is available to download.
10/16/2012 2:03 PM
Mobile Web Trends - 2012 Interim - White Paper
We've refreshed our Mobile Web Trends white paper to include web usage data from the 1st 9 months of 2012. Find out how much tablet web usage share has increased already in 2012, understand which mobile hardware vendors are gaining and losing share based on current web usage and learn about our free mobile analytics product and how it can help your business make smarter decisions.
10/14/2012 12:12 AM properties in client side script
This blog will describe how to implement properties client side by generating dynamic JavaScript from the server using device detection capability. For example; The follow code could be used to perform an action if the screen diagonal dimension is more than 5 inches.
if (feature.ScreenInchesDiagonal > 5) {....}
10/4/2012 9:02 AM
Premium Device Data Update for October 2012
New Premium Device Data now available to download.
10/2/2012 5:14 PM PHP Device Detection using PHPCloud is compatible with the Zend developer cloud, "PHPCloud", without the need for php extensions. This short guide will show you how to implement the PHP device detection API using the developer cloud.
10/2/2012 4:13 PM device detection with the Zend Framework and Zend Server is compatable with the Zend Framework without the need for plugins. In this short guide, I will show you how to implement the The PHP device detection API into a Zend framework project running on a Zend application server. Although this article has been written with Zend server in mind, the principals will apply to any other PHP compatible application server.
9/18/2012 4:01 PM
Premium Device Data Update for September 2012
New Premium Device Device Data for .NET, PHP, Java and C has been updated.
8/21/2012 1:20 AM Java API Speed Test
How fast can's Java solution detect devices on your system?
8/16/2012 10:00 AM
How to use XMLHttpRequest and XDomainRequest to stream messages
Our PHP device detection API includes a feature to update the rules and data used to identify requesting browsers, operating systems and hardware via a single PHP script ( Plug-in developers want to use this script to provide a simple button to update the device data from within their favourite CMS' administration interface. However our update script simply writes status messages back to the browser as plain text. Some browsers don't display these messages as they arrive, instead waiting until the entire message has been received. This is no good if we want to provide the user update status messages as the update is happening. For example; "Calculating Delta" or "Verifying Changes". We therefore need a method to display these messages as they arrive. This blog explains a surprisingly simple solution.