
2/7/2022 11:10 AM
51Degrees WordPress plugin for marketers
Expand your analytics data with our new WordPress plugin
You’ve probably used Google Analytics at least once. It’s a great starting point – it’s free and is a good introduction to your audience demographics, but it’s not that detailed. That’s where we come in. Our new WordPress plugin can enhance your analytics reporting with more detail on your website visitors.

8/23/2021 4:30 PM
How to filter bots from analytic platforms with User Agent data
Using User Agent data as a starting point, you can investigate unusual website traffic spikes
For many marketers, bots can wreak havoc on your website traffic reporting. There are a few good guides out there to help you filter out crawlers from your analytics platform, but they don’t always solve the problem. So, we came up with our own solution.

2/10/2021 5:00 PM
5 Reasons why you should use 51Degrees
Still uncertain about using our services? Here are reasons why it’s worth a try! From a generous Cloud hosted solution to high-speed performance, these are just some of the things your company is missing out on.
This article talks about the benefits of using 51Degrees for your company. Our real-time data services offer a generous Cloud hosted solution and high-speed performance. We are an ISO compliant company and we focus on device level information, which ensures you high quality and accurate real-time data solutions.

2/5/2021 2:00 PM
Effect of acquiring a domain on your website analytics
Ever wondered what happens to your website analytics when you redirect an entire domain to your own?
When one company acquires another, there are some side-effects you may not have considered. This article discusses the effects of an acquisition from a marketer’s point of view.

12/29/2020 2:00 PM
Making enduring digital decisions in a time of uncertainty
For the digital industry, 2021 is shaping up to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride.
Make sure you are prepared for the twists and turns 2021 may bring. It’s time to consider these changes and smart choices to help your business succeed.

12/23/2020 1:00 PM
How many cuppa's does your browser weigh?
The environmental impact of encrypting the web by default
Have you ever considered how much CO2 your website encryption produces? This article discusses new research on the decisions that can affect the environmental impact of the web.

10/22/2019 10:47 AM
How deep are you diving into Google Analytics?
Are you analyzing your mobile traffic accurately? How deep are you drilling into your mobile traffic? Are you using real-time device information to optimize your website?

9/4/2019 2:00 PM
Upgrade Apple Device Detection
Implement all the latest techniques for iOS 13 iPhone and iPad
51Degrees released the second and final stage of its post iOS 12.2 device detection solution for Apple iPad and iPhone during August 2019 after extensive verification with iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 betas. (iPadOS is formally splitting from iOS in version 13)

9/3/2019 1:30 PM
GPU Benchmarking and Device Detection
How 51Degrees evaluated GPU micro benchmarking and why it's not viable today
51Degrees identify Apple iPhone and iPad models with over 99% accuracy. One of the techniques considered in the solution was GPU benchmarking. The technique showed promise but was not considered performant enough for production deployment.

8/29/2019 3:30 PM
Firefox Broke Analytics and Social Media
What's changing, why it's a problem and how to respond
Mozilla, among others, started to make digital marketers jobs a lot harder in 2019 when they disabled the analytics tools these professionals rely on to understand customer journeys and improve and monitor their websites.