Responsive Design

6/13/2019 3:00 PM
Responsive Web Design: is this the only way?
Responsive Web Design has its uses, but it's not enough to meet ever-changing consumer expectations
Responsive Web Design (RWD) has long been the go-to choice for web designers and marketers looking to build and optimize their websites and it does a fairly good job. However, with changing consumer expectations, we must ask: can it be done better?
9/10/2018 1:00 PM
What's wrong with
Does the fresh 2018 web site embody best practice digital marketing?
The casual visitor arriving from social media links would be forgiven for answering "not a lot". A different answer presents itself when considering DMEXCO’s revenue model and key stakeholder requirements.
Using examples and plenty of screen shots this blog demonstrates the shortcomings of the 2018 DMEXCO web site before assessing the business implications and techniques available to resolve.

8/31/2017 11:03 AM
Misconceptions hindering publisher revenue growth
And the impact on header bidding today
This blog was published on the IAB website on the 31st of August 2017.
James Rosewell, CEO of 51Degrees writes about the misconceptions hindering publisher revenue growth and the impact on header bidding.
It has been 7 years since web professionals went mad for mobile first, Responsive Web Design (RWD), single URL, one size works for websites on every device. Every major publisher in the UK got swept along. Adtech and advertisers had to fit in. Have web professionals forgotten the power of server-side optimisation or the techniques available to them?

3/24/2015 7:00 PM
Revamped BBC site highlights shortcomings of responsive
User comments show 4 areas of degraded experience for desktop
Yesterday saw the BBC launch a responsive version of the news home page for all device types. As the BBC operated an m. web site providing different layout for desktop and mobile phones the approach was to replace the desktop web site with a slightly modified version of the mobile site.
While well aware that any change to a much loved web site will generate negative feedback, I remain concerned that digital technologists treat such feedback as a sign of both success and progress. This brief analysis focuses on specific examples where the use of RWD has demonstratably degraded user experience.

11/30/2014 3:44 PM
Make the most of Responsive Images
HTML 5 picture element, srcset and sizes attributes
Responsive Images are on their way. It's official. Designers worldwide now have an exciting new tool that will solve the problem of providing large images and graphics for every device. See examples of using <picture> element as well as an <img> element with srcset and sizes attributes. Learn how you can combine the Responsive Images technology with 51Degrees Image Optimizer to make your life simpler and fully enjoy the benefits of RI.

10/17/2014 1:35 PM
Get more from responsive web design with device detection
Overcoming the "all device types should get the same content" problem with RWD
Responsive Web Design solves many of the layout problems associated with increasingly diverse screen sizes but is constrained by one hard to justify assumption. RWD assumes all devices should receive the same content and support the same business processes. Read on to understand methods to optimise your RWD web site for mobiles, tablets, smartphones, and TVs.

4/4/2014 6:02 PM
91% of Top 100 ETail Web Sites Don't Use Responsive Web Design
according to The Search Agency's Mobile Experience Scorecard
Research from The Search Agency shows that “9 of the [100] web-only [retail] companies used RWD”. That's 91 percent not using Responsive Web Design.

6/17/2013 2:45 PM
Debunking Google's Responsive Web Design "Preference"
Last week Google announced their plans to push websites into offering great mobile web experiences. With this announcement came some controversy over Google's preferred method of mobilisation. This blog explains the reality of Google's "endorsement".
5/29/2013 10:24 AM
You Need More Than Responsive Web Design For Mobile Experience
Learn how using your server can improve your users mobile web experience and your return on investment by viewing the Contact Us.

1/23/2013 5:05 PM
Future Web Design - Kentico - Slides
Review the slides from my recent web seminar with Kentico on the Future Web Design – Mobiles, Tablets, TVs and Glasses.