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Runs a performance test using a single process and thread using a data file of user agent strings as input. Uses the Pattern matching detection routine which is very memory efficient.

PerfPat [Data file path] [Useragents file] [Properties]

  • [Data file path] A path to a Pattern data file.

  • [Useragents file] A path to a list of user agents to be used in the performance test. contains a test file of one million user agents for testing purposes.

  • [Properties] A comma separated list of properties to be returned. If not provided Id will be used.

    For example: Id,IsMobile will return the Id of the matched device and True or False to indicate if the device is a mobile.

    See the Property Dictionary for a list of valid properties.

Example: PerfPat data/51Degrees-Lite.dat million.csv Id,IsMobile

This program requires no input. It will test with the given data and output detection times at the end. This will take several minutes.