What's Covered
This tutorial illustrates how to use the API in a Web project.
Code and Explanation
package main
import (
// Location of data file.
var dataFile = "../data/51Degrees-LiteV3.2.dat"
// Global Provider object.
var provider FiftyOneDegreesPatternV3.Provider
var properties []string
// Type definitions which represent the data used to populate the web page
// templates.
// Object is populated when a match is performed after a request. Used to
// inject values into HTML template before serving to requesting device.
type exampleTemplate struct{
DatasetPublishedDate string
DatasetNextUpdate string
DatasetVersion string
DatasetName string
DatasetDeviceCombinations int
DeviceId string
MatchMethod int
Difference int
Rank int
DeviceData template.HTML
// Object is populated with a dynamically generated html table containing a
// list of properties and their values retrieved from the match object.
type usingDetectionTemplate struct{
DeviceData template.HTML
// Function sets up list of available properties in the data set, translating
// from SWIG Vector string to go array.
func getAvailableProperties() []string{
// Get available properties from the data set.
var _properties = provider.GetAvailableProperties()
// Get the length of the VectorString and convert to an iterable type.
var len = int(_properties.Size())
// Variable to hold list of properties in a native type.
var nativeProperties []string
// Loop over VectorString of available properties and append them to native
// type array.
for i := 0; i < len; i++{
nativeProperties = append(nativeProperties, _properties.Get(i))
return nativeProperties
// Http response handlers.
// Index
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
templ, err := template.ParseFiles("html/index.html")
err = templ.Execute(w, nil)
// Using Detection
func usingDetection(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get using-detection page HTML tmeplate.
templ, err := template.ParseFiles("html/using-detection.html")
// Get a match with the request User-Agent.
match := provider.GetMatch(r.Header.Get("User-Agent"))
// Variable to hold dynamically generated list of properties and their
// values.
var deviceData string
// Dynamically build an HTML list of all the available properties in the
// data set and their values retrieved from the match object.
for _,property := range properties{
values := match.GetValue(property)
if values != "" {
deviceData += "<li>" + property + ": " + values + "</li>"
deviceData += "<li>" + property + ": " + "Switch Data Set" + "</li>"
// Populate usingDetectionTemplate struct
d := &usingDetectionTemplate{
DeviceData: template.HTML(deviceData)}
// Execute template processor which injects values from type
// usingDetectionTemplate and sends response to requesting device.
err = templ.Execute(w, d)
// Close the match object.
// Example page
func example(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Define which properties are displayed on the example page.
_properties := []string{"BrowserName", "BrowserVendor",
"BrowserVersion", "DeviceType", "HardwareVendor", "IsTablet",
"IsMobile", "IsCrawler", "ScreenInchesDiagonal","ScreenPixelsWidth"}
// Get example page HTML template.
templ, err := template.ParseFiles("html/example.html")
// Get a Match with the request User-Agent.
match := provider.GetMatch(r.Header.Get("User-Agent"))
// Variable to hold dynamically generated table.
var deviceData string
// Build property table dynamically to inject into template. Get values for
// each property and append a row to the HTML table.
for _,property := range _properties{
values := match.GetValue(property)
if values != "" {
deviceData += "<tr><td><a href=\"https://51degrees.com/resources/" +
"property-dictionary#"+ property + "\">" + property + "</a>" +
"</td><td>" + values + "</td></tr>"
deviceData += "<tr><td><a href=\"https://51degrees.com/resources/" +
"property-dictionary#"+ property + "\">" + property + "</a>" +
"</td><td>Switch Dataset</td></tr>"
// Populate exampleTemplate struct
d := &exampleTemplate{
DatasetPublishedDate: provider.GetDataSetPublishedDate(),
DatasetNextUpdate: provider.GetDataSetNextUpdateDate(),
DatasetVersion: provider.GetDataSetFormat(),
DatasetName: provider.GetDataSetName(),
DatasetDeviceCombinations: provider.GetDataSetDeviceCombinations(),
DeviceId: match.GetDeviceId(),
MatchMethod: match.GetMethod(),
Difference: match.GetDifference(),
Rank: match.GetRank(),
DeviceData: template.HTML(deviceData)}
// Execute template processor which injects values from type exampleTemplate
// and sends response to requesting device.
err = templ.Execute(w, d)
// Release the Match object back to the pool.
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting Server...")
// Create a new Provider.
provider =
// Get available properties and assign to to global type.
properties = getAvailableProperties()
// Set the HTTP handler function.
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
http.HandleFunc("/example", example)
http.HandleFunc("/using-detection", usingDetection)
// Start the Server and bind to port 8080.
fmt.Println("Server at port 8080")
err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
func checkError(err error){
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Fatal error", err.Error())