What a year it’s been! Let’s take a trip down memory lane as we remember the positive things that have happened here at 51Degrees.
For most of the world, 2020 has been quite the interesting year. We could talk about the glaringly obvious COVID-19 pandemic, but instead we should focus on the positive effects it has caused. The way we use technology has improved, from better homeworking environments for those working remotely, to improving communications with our far-away loved ones. Who here never wants another family Zoom call again?!
This year has affected everyone differently, so let’s embark on a trip down memory lane to review the positive changes 2020 has brought to 51Degrees.

What were the major milestones for 51Degrees?
We’ve packed a lot of things into our agenda within the last 12 months, celebrating both big and small milestones. With this in mind, let’s look at some of the bigger milestones:
We received two International Organization of Standardization (ISO) accreditations
It was important for us to be the first device detection business to achieve two International Organization of Standardization accreditations. The ISO 9001 standard recognizes our consistency when delivering customer expectations with reliable products, robust processes, healthy management, and a drive for continual improvement. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard celebrates our care when protecting sensitive information, including financial data, intellectual property, and third-party information. In other words, we prioritize high quality products and services to our customers, while securely protecting information trusted to us. The process of receiving the ISO accreditations was a lengthy, but necessary one. Now we can focus our efforts onto continual improvement! Read more about our ISO journey.
We launched our Pipeline API
Another major milestone of 2020 was the launch of our Pipeline API; a new, open-source real-time data platform. The gist of the platform is: by combining device detection, geolocation, TAC, and other data microservices under one roof, you get speedy results for less money. We could go on about the huge benefits to the Pipeline API, including better performance, greater predictive accuracy, and improving developer productivity, or you could just read more on ourServices page.
Anything else?
We’re only just starting to scratch the surface! This year, we’ve improved our presence within the industry by taking a lead role in the anti-trust debate for 2021, supporting Marketers for an Open Web, and more recently, by acquiring the online presence of Handset Detection. It would be silly to list every single one of our achievements this year, so if you want to delve into our history, please catch up on our blogs.
Have you got any stats?
If you’re more numbers-orientated, here’s some lovely statistics for you. In 2020, we:
- Increased our total device combinations to 2,876,654
- Processed 40 billion cloud queries;
- Posted 32 blogs
We’re especially pleased with our blog performance. 2020 was the year we focused our energies into producing more informative content, and we delivered! Our favorite blogs for the year are:
- What is Device ID and how can it benefit your business?
- Reverse Geocoding with Digital Element
- Why efficient code matters for your website
Steadily climbing through the popularity ranks however, we have What is TAC and how can it help your business, and Privacy by design: How small tech can lead the way. Keep your eyes peeled to see whether these newcomers become firm favorites!
OK, but what about the 51Degrees team itself?
Our continued success this year not only allowed for our business to grow, but also our team! Since the beginning of 2020, we have expanded our IT, Marketing and Engineering departments.
During the UK national lockdown back in March, our team were sent gift hampers to hopefully bring some cheer to an otherwise bleak period of time. We adjusted well to the importance of flexible homeworking, and when version 4 of our Varnish API was released in July, the bubbly was flowing with a special delivery of champagne to the team from our co-founders James and Ruth.
There hasn’t been too many opportunities for us all to meet as a team due to government restrictions, but that hasn’t stopped us celebrating the company milestones!

What’s next?
It’s always good to reflect upon the past, but here at 51Degrees, we prefer to look to the future. We have a lot of big things planned in 2021, and we’re so excited to share them with you. At the time of writing, our CEO James is putting together his predictions for the industry within the next year. Stay tuned to see his thoughts!
However, in the meantime, make your New Year’s resolution to find out how we can help you to optimize your website.