Come and chat real-time data with the 51Degrees team
MWC Barcelona is right around the corner and once again 51Degrees will be in attendance. This time, we won’t have an exhibition stand but the team will be wandering round the halls.
What’s new at 51Degrees?
Since our attendance at last year’s MWC22, 51Degrees has been busy preparing for Google’s changes to the Chrome User-Agent. Information on the device model will no longer be present in the Chrome User-Agent; instead, device information will be in Google’s own HTTP request header, User-Agent Client Hints.
All Device Detection solutions have been forced to adapt to the User-Agent reduction and User-Agent Client Hints, and the impact on businesses is still not quite yet known. We’ve been warning businesses about the changes, which are nearing completion in the next few months.
We’ve updated our Device Detection service to Version 4.4, which has full support for Google’s User-Agent reduction. Using Version 4.4 will protect you from the impact of Google’s changes to the web.
Learn more about UA-CH supportBook a meeting with 51Degrees
At MWC23, the 51Degrees team will be represented by our CFO Paul and James, one of our Senior Data Operators.
We’d love to chat to you about your company and figure out how 51Degrees Device Detection or TAC services can improve your digital business.
You can book a meeting by emailing, with the subject line “Let’s chat at MWC23”.
Alternatively, find James and Paul (who will be wearing red shirts with the 51Degrees logo) wandering the halls. Feel free to stop them to ask for a chat.
Contact us to book a meetingSee you there!