Detailed Description
Engine that makes requests to the 51Degrees cloud service.
- See also
- Specification
Inheritance diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.cloudrequestengine.flowelements.CloudRequestEngineDefault:
Collaboration diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.cloudrequestengine.flowelements.CloudRequestEngineDefault:
Public Member Functions
| CloudRequestEngineDefault (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< CloudRequestData > aspectDataFactory, HttpClient httpClient, String endPoint, String resourceKey, String propertiesEndpoint, String evidenceKeysEndpoint, int timeoutMillis)
| CloudRequestEngineDefault (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< CloudRequestData > aspectDataFactory, HttpClient httpClient, String endPoint, String resourceKey, String propertiesEndpoint, String evidenceKeysEndpoint, int timeoutMillis, String cloudRequestOrigin)
| CloudRequestEngineDefault (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< CloudRequestData > aspectDataFactory, HttpClient httpClient, String endPoint, String resourceKey, String licenseKey, String propertiesEndpoint, String evidenceKeysEndpoint, int timeoutMillis, String cloudRequestOrigin)
List< AspectPropertyMetaData >
| getProperties ()
Get details of the properties that this element can populate. More...
| getDataSourceTier ()
Get the tier to which the current data source belongs. More...
| getElementDataKey ()
Get the string name of the key used to access the data populated by this element in the FlowData. More...
| getEvidenceKeyFilter () throws CloudRequestException, AggregateException, PropertyNotLoadedException
Get a filter that will only include the evidence keys that this element can make use of. More...
Map< String, AccessiblePropertyMetaData.ProductMetaData >
| getPublicProperties () throws CloudRequestException, AggregateException, PropertyNotLoadedException
A collection of the properties that the cloud service can populate in the JSON response. More...
| AspectEngineBase (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< TData > aspectDataFactory)
TypedKey< TData >
| getTypedDataKey ()