
51Degrees Pipeline Java  4.4

51Degrees Pipeline for Java

fiftyone.pipeline.core.data.factories.ElementDataFactory< T extends ElementData > Interface Template Reference

Detailed Description

Factory class used to create a new ElementData instance for a FlowElement.

An element will contain its own implementation of this interface which builds the type of ElementData specific to that element. An implementation of (} is passed to the FlowData#getOrAdd(TypedKey, FlowElement.DataFactory)} method and is called if the key does not already exist in the FlowData}. the type of ElementData which should be built by the factory

Inheritance diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.core.data.factories.ElementDataFactory< T extends ElementData >:


Collaboration diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.core.data.factories.ElementDataFactory< T extends ElementData >:


Public Member Functions

T  create (FlowData flowData, FlowElement< T, ?> flowElement)
Create a new instance of ElementData for the FlowElement provided, linked to the FlowData provided. More...

Member Function Documentation