
7/21/2015 1:30 PM
Memory and Performance Impact of 51Degrees
Load testing 51Degrees with DotNetNuke CMS
The purpose of testing is to investigate the impact of 51Degrees device detection and image optimisation modules on the performance of the DotNetNuke (DNN) Content Management System. The DNN platform was tested with high user page loads. DNN was chosen as a representative .NET platform for testing 51Degrees .NET API.

3/22/2013 12:43 AM
QCDUG - Slides
This evening I joined the Queen City DotNetNuke Users Group (QCDUG) for their monthly meeting via GotoMeeting. Thank you Allen, Clint, Fred, Robb and all. We discussed the way devices and technology are changing, the problems this is causing digital content owners and managers, and the solutions available, before looking to the future to discuss strategies that will stand the test of time. Here's the slides I presented and some further links from the event.

7/21/2012 2:59 PM
DotNetNuke & - Web Seminar - Q&A
On 11th July 2012 I held a web seminar with DotNetNuke titled "Take Your Site Mobile with and DNN". A recording of the web seminar is available on the DotNetNuke web site. We received far more questions than I was able to answer in the time! This blog post contains a consolidated list of questions and answers. Please use the comments if you have any follow up questions. Thank you.

5/4/2012 11:00 AM
May 2012 - News Letter
Find out what's new at in our May 2012 news letter.

2/15/2012 3:55 PM
DotNetNuke Corp. to integrate
DotNetNuke Corp., the global leader for adaptive web content management software that keeps businesses' online presence relevant and effective, today announced a licensing agreement with, the leading provider of automatic mobile device detection, mobile web optimization, and mobile analytics solutions.