
51Degrees Pipeline .NET  4.4

51Degrees Pipeline for .NET

Examples.OnPremiseEngine.FlowElements.SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder Class Reference

Detailed Description


Inheritance diagram for Examples.OnPremiseEngine.FlowElements.SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder:


Collaboration diagram for Examples.OnPremiseEngine.FlowElements.SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder:


Public Member Functions

 SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IDataUpdateService dataUpdateService)
IStarSignData  CreateData (IPipeline pipeline, FlowElementBase< IStarSignData, IAspectPropertyMetaData > aspectEngine)
override SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder  SetPerformanceProfile (PerformanceProfiles profile)

Public Member Functions inherited from FiftyOne.Pipeline.Engines.FlowElements.SingleFileAspectEngineBuilderBase< SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder, SimpleOnPremiseEngine >

 SingleFileAspectEngineBuilderBase (IDataUpdateService dataUpdateService)
Constructor More...
virtual TEngine  Build ([DefaultValue("No default, value must be supplied")] string datafile, [DefaultValue("No default, value must be supplied")] bool createTempDataCopy)
Build an engine using the current options and the specified data file. More...
virtual TEngine  Build ([CodeConfigOnly] Stream data)
Build an engine using the current options and the specified byte array. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateUrl (string url)
Configure the engine to use the specified URL when looking for an updated data file. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateUrl (Uri url)
Configure the engine to use the specified URL when looking for an updated data file. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateUrlFormatter (IDataUpdateUrlFormatter formatter)
Specify a IDataUpdateUrlFormatter to be used by the DataUpdateService when building the complete URL to query for updated data. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateUseUrlFormatter (IDataUpdateUrlFormatter formatter)
Enable/Disable the UrlFormatter to be used when this engine's data file is updated. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateUseUrlFormatter (bool useFormatter)
Enable or disable the IDataUpdateUrlFormatter to be used when creating the complete URL to request updates from. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateVerifyMd5 (bool verify)
Set a value indicating if the DataUpdateService should expect the response from the data update URL to contain a 'content-md5' HTTP header that can be used to verify the integrity of the content. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateDecompress (bool decompress)
Set a value indicating if the DataUpdateService should expect content from the configured data update URL to be compressed or not. More...
TBuilder  SetAutoUpdate (bool enabled)
Enable or disable automatic updates for this engine. More...
TBuilder  SetDataFileSystemWatcher (bool enabled)
The DataUpdateService has the ability to watch a data file on disk and automatically refresh the engine as soon as the file is updated. More...
TBuilder  SetUpdatePollingInterval (int pollingIntervalSeconds)
Set the time between checks for a new data file made by the DataUpdateService. More...
TBuilder  SetUpdatePollingInterval (TimeSpan pollingInterval)
Set the time between checks for a new data file made by the DataUpdateService. More...
TBuilder  SetUpdateRandomisationMax (int maximumDeviationSeconds)
A random element can be added to the DataUpdateService polling interval. More...
TBuilder  SetUpdateRandomisationMax (TimeSpan maximumDeviation)
A random element can be added to the DataUpdateService polling interval. More...
TBuilder  SetVerifyIfModifiedSince (bool enabled)
Set if DataUpdateService sends the If-Modified-Since header in the request for a new data file. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateLicenseKey (string key)
Set the license key to use when updating the Engine's data file. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateLicenseKeys (string[] keys)
Set the license keys to use when updating the Engine's data file. More...
TBuilder  SetDataUpdateOnStartup (bool enabled)
Configure the data file to update on startup or not. More...

Protected Member Functions

override SimpleOnPremiseEngine  NewEngine (List< string > properties)

Protected Member Functions inherited from FiftyOne.Pipeline.Engines.FlowElements.SingleFileAspectEngineBuilderBase< SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder, SimpleOnPremiseEngine >

virtual TEngine  Build ()
Build an engine using the configured options. More...
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