Inheritance diagram for Examples.OnPremiseEngine.FlowElements.SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder:
Collaboration diagram for Examples.OnPremiseEngine.FlowElements.SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder:
override SimpleOnPremiseEngineBuilder
| SetPerformanceProfile (PerformanceProfiles profile)
| SingleFileAspectEngineBuilderBase (IDataUpdateService dataUpdateService)
virtual TEngine
| Build ([DefaultValue("No default, value must be supplied")] string datafile, [DefaultValue("No default, value must be supplied")] bool createTempDataCopy)
Build an engine using the current options and the specified data file. More...
virtual TEngine
| Build ([CodeConfigOnly] Stream data)
Build an engine using the current options and the specified byte array. More...
| SetDataUpdateUrl (string url)
Configure the engine to use the specified URL when looking for an updated data file. More...
| SetDataUpdateUrl (Uri url)
Configure the engine to use the specified URL when looking for an updated data file. More...
| SetDataUpdateUrlFormatter (IDataUpdateUrlFormatter formatter)
Specify a IDataUpdateUrlFormatter to be used by the DataUpdateService when building the complete URL to query for updated data. More...
| SetDataUpdateUseUrlFormatter (IDataUpdateUrlFormatter formatter)
Enable/Disable the UrlFormatter to be used when this engine's data file is updated. More...
| SetDataUpdateUseUrlFormatter (bool useFormatter)
Enable or disable the IDataUpdateUrlFormatter to be used when creating the complete URL to request updates from. More...
| SetDataUpdateVerifyMd5 (bool verify)
Set a value indicating if the DataUpdateService should expect the response from the data update URL to contain a 'content-md5' HTTP header that can be used to verify the integrity of the content. More...
| SetDataUpdateDecompress (bool decompress)
Set a value indicating if the DataUpdateService should expect content from the configured data update URL to be compressed or not. More...
| SetAutoUpdate (bool enabled)
Enable or disable automatic updates for this engine. More...
| SetDataFileSystemWatcher (bool enabled)
The DataUpdateService has the ability to watch a data file on disk and automatically refresh the engine as soon as the file is updated. More...
| SetUpdatePollingInterval (int pollingIntervalSeconds)
Set the time between checks for a new data file made by the DataUpdateService. More...
| SetUpdatePollingInterval (TimeSpan pollingInterval)
Set the time between checks for a new data file made by the DataUpdateService. More...
| SetUpdateRandomisationMax (int maximumDeviationSeconds)
A random element can be added to the DataUpdateService polling interval. More...
| SetUpdateRandomisationMax (TimeSpan maximumDeviation)
A random element can be added to the DataUpdateService polling interval. More...
| SetVerifyIfModifiedSince (bool enabled)
Set if DataUpdateService sends the If-Modified-Since header in the request for a new data file. More...
| SetDataUpdateLicenseKey (string key)
Set the license key to use when updating the Engine's data file. More...
| SetDataUpdateLicenseKeys (string[] keys)
Set the license keys to use when updating the Engine's data file. More...
| SetDataUpdateOnStartup (bool enabled)
Configure the data file to update on startup or not. More...