
51Degrees API Documentation  4.3Newer Version 4.4

Client-side Evidence


Evidence will usually be drawn from one of 4 places:

  • HTTP headers
  • Cookies
  • Query parameters
  • Request metadata such as source IP address

Any device making a request to a web site will include some of this information. For example, the User-Agent HTTP header is almost always populated as part of a request. In some cases though, additional evidence providing more detail can be obtained from code running directly on the client device. In some cases, this may even be required. For example, this technique can be used to retrieve the latitude and longitude from devices that have this capability.

Client-side Data

When using the client-side evidence integration, the first step is for the Pipeline to produce a JSON representation of all the properties that have been populated by flow elements.

Each property may also have some meta-data associated with it in the form of another property or attribute. The naming convention of meta-data properties is the related property name with a suffix. e.g.

"device": {
"javascript": "",
"javascriptdelayexecution": true

List of suffixes:

Suffix Description
nullreason If the result for a property is null this field will be populated with a reason as to why there is no result.
delayexecution If this value is true the related property is a JavaScript property and will not run immediately when evaluating the JavaScript Resource.
evidenceproperties A list of JavaScript properties which need to be evaluated first before this property can be populated.

This JSON data is sent to the client along with some JavaScript that is used to handle updating that JSON payload with new property values determined from client-side evidence as well as provide easy access to the property values in client-side JavaScript code.

JavaScript Properties

Element properties include a 'Type' property that indicates the type of the data represented by the property's values.

JavaScript properties are simply properties that have their Type set to 'JavaScript'. The value of such a property should be a snippet of JavaScript code that, when run on the client device, will obtain some extra values from the device.

Element properties also include a 'DelayExecution' property which indicates if a 'JavaScript' property should not be executed on the client straight away and a 'EvidenceProperties' property which contains a list of JavaScript properties that, when executed, will obtain additional evidence that can help in determining the value of this property.

How it Works

The JSON data management JavaScript will check for any properties of type 'JavaScript' and execute them on the client or if the 'DelayExecution' property is set to true then the 'JavaScript' will only be executed in response to some user action. There are then two possible mechanisms to get these extra values back to the server in order for them to be included in the evidence used by the Pipeline.

  1. A background callback to the server yields updated JSON data that replaces the existing JSON payload.
  2. The JavaScript property sets a cookie that is then sent to the server on the next request.

Background Callback

A request is made to the server in the background that includes the extra values as form parameters. The server sends this through the pipeline and the result is packaged as JSON and sent in the response to the client, which will update it's JSON payload data, making the new values available to all client-side code.

This example shows the process flow between client and server.

Cookies on Next Request

When executed, the JavaScript property sets a cookie that is then sent to the server on the next request. The Pipeline will automatically use these cookies as evidence so that the results it returns take account of the new information.

This example shows the process flow between client and server.

Web Integration

The client-side evidence feature requires multiple Pipeline components to operate together. There are web integration solutions for various web frameworks that handle most of the complexity for you.

These solutions are generally enabled by default but do require some additional configuration in order to function. The implementations vary significantly based on the language and framework, but the core steps will involve the following:

  • Make a change to request the initial JavaScript with JSON payload. For example, by adding a JavaScript include.
  • If using the background callback mechanism:
    • Create an endpoint that can pass requests to the Pipeline and serve the required JSON response. *
    • Configure the JavaScriptBuilderElement with the URL for your endpoint. *
    • Add some JavaScript code to update the page content when new JSON data is received.
  • These tasks are handled automatically by the ASP.NET Core, Java MVC and Java Servlet integrations

For more detailed, language-specific steps, see the web integration examples or the engine-specific examples such as the device detection examples or reverse geocoding examples