
51Degrees API Documentation  4.3Newer Version 4.4


This example takes the very simple flow element described in the simple flow element example, and delegates all the logic to a cloud service.

Instead of the data being stored locally and processing being carried out by the flow element directly, as demonstrated in the simple flow element example, this example will call a cloud service to perform the required functionality.

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The aspect engine will need a dependency on the Pipeline engines package, and cloud request engine package

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The element data implemented in the previous example can now be upgraded to implement an aspect data.

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Aspect Engine

Now the actual aspect engine needs to be implemented. For this, the class from the previous example will now implement the cloud aspect engine's base class.

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Now the aspect engine needs one final thing, an element builder to construct it. This needs to provide the aspect engine with a logger and an aspect data factory as in the previous example. However, it also now needs a cloud request aspect engine.

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Next Steps

The Custom On-premise Engine example shows you how to build an on premise engine to perform the functionality that was executed by the cloud engine here.