
51Degrees API Documentation  4.3Newer Version 4.4


User Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) are part of a Google proposal to replace the existing User Agent HTTP header.

For more details on what User Agent Client Hints are and how they work, see the Background section below. If you just want to know how to work with them using the 51Degrees API, then read on.

Support for detection from Client Hints

The 51Degrees device detection API has provided support for detection based on one of the client hints headers (Sec-CH-UA only) in data files from 7 December 2020.

We also support the one off case of identifying Windows 11 using User Agent Client Hints as there is no other way to do so.

This limited support will be superseded by functionality in version 4.4, which will fully support the detection of devices, operating systems and browsers from UA-CH headers.

Full UA-CH detection will also require a new data file (date of availability TBC). The format of the data file remains the same (what we refer to as Hash v4.1). But the contents will be updated to support detection from the full range of UA-CH values.

Note that newer and older API versions and data files will be fully cross-compatible with each other. It's just that in order to perform detection using the full range of UA-CH values, you must be using BOTH version 4.4 of the API and a newer data file.


We have console and web examples that include detection using User Agent Client Hints for both on-premise and cloud scenarios.

The console examples pass UA-CH values directly to the API, so will work in any situation. The web examples run as a simple web page, so you will need a browser that supports UA-CH in order to try it out.

HTTP Headers

Previously, device detection worked primarily by examining the value of the User Agent HTTP header. This header is always sent as part of the first request to a webserver, meaning device information was available immediately on the server-side.

With UA-CH, only a limited subset of information is sent as part of the first request. If the server wishes to know more, then it needs to set an HTTP header in the response to request the additional detail.

The 51Degrees API will automatically determine the names and values of any response headers that need to be set based on the initial information.

When using the Pipeline web integration, most languages will automatically set the response headers for you as well. If not using a web integration, or your language does not support it, you will need to set the response headers manually.


Using UA-CH for device detection with our cloud product is usually simple. However, there are some scenarios that cause additional complexity.

Calling from Pipeline API

If you are calling the cloud from a Pipeline API, then you need to ensure that the appropriate response headers are set and that the UA-CH headers are included in the request to cloud.

The Pipeline API can handle this for you for the most part. There are console and web examples available to show what changes you need to make for your language. As this functionality requires new properties, you will need to create a new Resource Key that includes these:

  • SetHeaderHardwareAccept-CH
  • SetHeaderPlatformAccept-CH
  • SetHeaderBrowserAccept-CH

Alternatively, you can modify your site to set the necessary response headers yourself. The UA-CH values will automatically be sent to the cloud in order to perform detection.

Calling from (non-Pipeline API) server-side code

As above, in order to use UA-CH, you'll just need to ensure that the appropriate response headers are set and that the UA-CH headers are then included in the request to the cloud.

Exactly what this looks like will vary by language, but there are two essential steps;

  1. The relevant response headers must be set after a first request. Currently, this is the Accept-CH header for UA-CH. The 'SetHeader*' properties will provide a list of the values that need to be set on response headers in order to request the relevant UA-CH headers. Alternatively, you can just request all the available values.
  2. The call to the cloud must be modified to include the UA-CH header values you are interested in. For example: https://cloud.51degrees.com/api/v4/RESOURCEKEY.json?user-agent=UA&sec-ch-ua=HEADERVALUE&sec-ch-ua-model=HEADERVALUE2

Calling from client-side code

Calling the cloud from client-side code is simpler in some ways, as you don't need to worry about manually including the Sec-CH-UA values in the calls to the cloud. However, it does have the additional complication that Client Hints are not sent to third parties by default. To get around this, you will need to include the required values in the Permissions-Policy header:

  • ch-ua-full-version-list=(self "https://cloud.51degrees.com")
  • ch-ua-platform=(self "https://cloud.51degrees.com")
  • ch-ua-platform-version=(self "https://cloud.51degrees.com")
  • ch-ua-model=(self "https://cloud.51degrees.com")

Note that the browser will only send UA-CH headers to the third party that are also requested by the first-party. This means that you'll also need to set your Accept-CH header to request the UA-CH headers:

  • Sec-CH-UA
  • Sec-CH-UA-Mobile
  • Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List
  • Sec-CH-UA-Platform
  • Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version
  • Sec-CH-UA-Model

Client Hints JavaScript API

Instead of using HTTP headers, the UA-CH values can be requested using a JavaScript API. Unfortunately, this API formats the values differently to the values in the HTTP headers. Currently, 51Degrees only supports detection using the HTTP header values.

If you need to use the JavaScript API to retrieve the values, care must be taken to ensure that the string values passed to the 51Degrees API exactly match the format of the values in the HTTP headers. For example, if the value in the header is surrounded by double quotes, but the JavaScript API value does not include the double quotes, then these should be added in order to give the best results.

Background Reading

The authors of the proposal have created an article covering how UA-CH works. 51Degrees has blogged extensively on the subject. We also have an explainer and a test page that shows how UA-CH headers interact with the Accept-CH and Permissions-Policy response headers.

In May 2021, Google outlined their plans for the rollout of UA-CH. This also mentioned that the deprecation of the existing User Agent string will not happen until at least 2022. In September 2021, there was further detail about the plan for the phased deprecation of the User Agent. This will start with Chrome 101 (roughly Q2 2022) and end with Chrome 113 (roughly Q2 2023).

User Agent Client Hints extends the previously existing Client Hints content negotiation feature.

There is documentation of the general Client Hints feature on MDN and from Google

Caniuse.com can be used to check browser support for both Client Hints and User Agent Client Hints.