
51Degrees API Documentation  4.2

Version Support

All APIs are written with a minimum supported language version. Any version above this is theoretically supported, but bleeding edge releases may not be supported. To help determine whether a version is supported, the table below shows the versions which are tested as part of each release, in addition to the minimum target version.

If something is not supported here, and you believe it should be, contact us.

Language / Framework Minimum Supported Version Tested Configurations (if it is not routinely tested, that does not mean it's not supported)
C/C++ C11 and above Windows 10 - VS2017
Mac OS 10.14 - Clang 11
Ubuntu 18.04 - GCC 7.5
.NET Standard 2.0 and above Windows Server 2019 - .NET Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.2
Java JDK8 and all LTS versions above Windows Server 2019 - OpenJDK 8 & 11
Mac OS 10.14 - OpenJDK 8 & 11
Ubuntu 16.04 - OpenJDK 8 & 11
Node.js Node.js 10 and above Ubuntu 18.04 - Node.js LTS versions (10 and above)
Varnish Varnish 6.0.6
C11 and above
Ubuntu 18.04 - GCC 7.5 - 64-bit
Ubuntu 20.04 - GCC 9.3 - 64-bit
Nginx Nginx 1.19.0,1.19.5,1.19.10,1.20.0
C11 and above
Ubuntu 18.04 - GCC 7.5 - 64-bit
Ubuntu 20.04 - GCC 9.3 - 64-bit
PHP PHP 5.6 and 7.x Ubuntu 18.04 - PHP 5.6, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4
Python Python 3.5+ Ubuntu 20.04 - Python 3.6
Mac OS 10.15 - Python 3.9
Windows Server 2019 - Python 3.6