NFC (Near Field Communication) was a big focus at this years Mobile World Congress back in February, but have adoption rates increased since then? 51Degrees take a look at web traffic from NFC enabled devices.
Mobile Web Traffic - NFC Enabled Phones

Berg Insights released a report estimating that NFC enabled handset sales grew by 300 percent in 2012, reaching a global install base of approximately 3.3% of all handsets.
Global web traffic from NFC enabled devices has also increased since 2012, growing from 3.49% in January 2012 to 12.17% in January of 2013. Adoption rates have since slowed, only increasing by 1.15% since January of this year up to 13.32%.
With an average monthly traffic growth rate of 0.65% over the last 12 months, NFC enabled phones should be able to reach the 32% handset penetration that Berg Insight predicted within 3 years instead of 4.