A great time was had by all at the IBC show in Amsterdam and we would firstly like to thank everyone who came to visit us and learn about device detection and content engagment, secondly we would like to thank IBC for managing such a great event.
On a personal note the team especially enjoyed the beach party on Friday evening and the great transport links to and from the show. Despite the gloomy weather and big queues for overpriced coffee the team had an amazing time meeting everyone.
One of the recurring themes of the show seemed to be 4k TVs, perhaps for once TVs will outpace Cinema on technology adoption. Here at 51Degrees.mobi we already detect 4k TVs such as the LG Ultra HD
The IBC show awards included Sir Peter Jackson receiving the International Honour for Excellence award for his innovative work in film. Jacksons post-production team Park Road Post received the Innovation Reward for Content Creation for development of 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey', the first motion picture to be produced in a high frame rate of 48 frames per second and in stereoscopic 3D.
Some of 51Degrees.mobi highlights of the show included the unveiling of the latest Institution of Engineering and Technology magazine, in which we are featured as winners of DTGs Accelerating multi-screen business innovation award.
Our CEO and founder James Rosewell was also invited by the IET to join Ian Mecklenburgh, Director, Consumer Platforms, from Virgin Media Digital Entertainment and Alix Pryde, Director of Distribution at the BBC to deliver the prestigious John Logie Baird Lecture on the 3rd October, discussing the topic 'Is the Set Top Box Dead?'
There was a lot of interest in set top boxes and remote control but the current solutions are far from perfect. James takes a look at the flaws of set top boxes over two blogs; part 1, part 2.
We saw a lot of inspiring and interesting technology and this provokes many thoughts about the future of TV. Will smart TVs replace set top boxes? Will multi device engagement supersede the remote control? Will future technology change the digital landscape once again? Tell us what you think in the comments!
We had an amazing time at the IBC event and there was some great innovations on show, we are now looking forward to resting our weary feet. Hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did.