
51Degrees Pipeline PHP  4.4

51Degrees Pipeline for PHP

fiftyone\pipeline\core\Messages Class Reference

Detailed Description

Constants used for messages returned to the user.

These can be error messages, or otherwise. Messages which require formatting will contain format characters e.g. s.

Data Fields

const  NO_ELEMENT_DATA = "There is no element data for '%s' against this flow data. Available element data keys are: '%s'"
Error message thrown when there is no matching element in the FlowData.
const  NO_ELEMENT_DATA_NULL = "There is no element data for '%s' against this flow data.'"
const  PASS_KEY_VALUE = 'Must pass key and value'
const  FLOW_DATA_PROCESSED = 'FlowData already processed'
const  PROPERTY_NOT_SET_HEADER = "Property Name '%s' does not start with 'SetHeader'."
Property does not start with SetHeader. More...
const  WRONG_PROPERTY_FORMAT = "Property Name '%s' is not in the expected format i.e. SetHeader[Component][HeaderName]. "
Property Name is not in the valid format. More...
const  ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = "Element '%s' is not present in the FlowData. "
Element not found in flowData. More...
const  PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = "Property '%s' is not present in the FlowData against '%s' ElementData. "
Property not found in flowData. More...

Field Documentation


const fiftyone\pipeline\core\Messages::ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = "Element '%s' is not present in the FlowData. "

Element not found in flowData.

This takes the element datakey as format argument.


const fiftyone\pipeline\core\Messages::PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = "Property '%s' is not present in the FlowData against '%s' ElementData. "

Property not found in flowData.

This takes the element dataKey and property names as format arguments.


const fiftyone\pipeline\core\Messages::PROPERTY_NOT_SET_HEADER = "Property Name '%s' does not start with 'SetHeader'."

Property does not start with SetHeader.

This takes the name of a property as a format argument.


const fiftyone\pipeline\core\Messages::WRONG_PROPERTY_FORMAT = "Property Name '%s' is not in the expected format i.e. SetHeader[Component][HeaderName]. "

Property Name is not in the valid format.

This takes the property name as format argument.

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