[detail level 1234] | |
Nfiftyone | |
Npipeline | |
Ncloudrequestengine | |
CCloudEngine | This is a template for all 51Degrees cloud engines |
CCloudRequestEngine | |
CCloudRequestException | Contains details about exceptions that occur when making requests to the cloud service |
CConstants | |
CHttpClient | |
Ncore | |
CAspectPropertyValue | |
CBasicListEvidenceKeyFilter | An instance of EvidenceKeyFilter that uses a simple array of keys Evidence not using these keys is filtered out |
CConstants | Class containing project's constants |
CElementData | Stores information created by a FlowElement based on FlowData |
CElementDataDictionary | An extension of ElementData with dictionary object storage / lookup |
CEvidence | Storage of evidence on a FlowData object |
CEvidenceKeyFilter | |
CFlowData | |
CFlowElement | A FlowElement is placed inside a Pipeline It receives Evidence via a FlowData object It uses this to optionally create ElementData on the FlowData It has a unique dataKey which is used to extract data from the FlowData Any errors in processing are caught in the FlowData's errors object |
CJavascriptBuilderElement | The JavaScriptBuilder aggregates JavaScript properties from FlowElements in the Pipeline |
CJsonBundlerElement | The JSONBundler aggregates all properties from FlowElements into a JSON object It is used for retrieving via an endpoint from the client side via the JavaScriptBuilder and also used inside the JavaScriptBuilder itself to pass properties to the client side |
CLogger | Logging for a Pipeline |
CMessages | Constants used for messages returned to the user |
CPipeline | Pipeline holding a list of FlowElements for processing, can create FlowData that will be passed through these, collecting ElementData Should be constructed through the PipelineBuilder class |
CPipelineBuilder | A PipelineBuilder generates a Pipeline object Before construction of the Pipeline, FlowElements are added to it There are also options for how JavaScript is output from the Pipeline |
CSequenceElement | The SequenceElement stores session data regarding requests for client side JavaScript from the JavaScript created by a Pipeline's JavaScriptBuilder If a Pipeline is constructed with the JavaScript elements enabled this is added automatically along with the JavaScriptBuilder and JSONBundler |
CSetHeaderElement | Set response headers element class |
CUtils | |
Nengines | |
CAspectData | |
CAspectDataDictionary | AspectData class extension that stores content as an array Similar to ElementDataDictionary in the Pipeline core library |
CCloudEngineBase | Intermediary between Engine and CloudEngine classes |
CDataKeyedCache | A simple cache class which has a get and set method Can be added to an engine to cache its results for specific evidence This base class needs to be extended to form an actual cache |
CEngine | An engine is an extension of the Pipeline Core flowElement class It allows for a cache, restricted properties and meaningful errors when a property isn't available via the aspect data missingPropertyService |
CMissingPropertyMessages | Messages which may be reused for various missing property exceptions |
CMissingPropertyReason | Enumeration of reasons why a property may be missing from the results of an Engine's processing |
CMissingPropertyService | A missing property service runs when a property is not available in the aspectData |
CSessionCache | An extension of the cache class that stores a cache in a user's session if PHP sessions are active |
CTracker | The tracker class extends the cache class with a track method that checks if a key is in the cache and runs a match method on the result if it is found in the cache |
CArrayLogger | |
CAstrologyFlowElement | |
CExampleFlowElementA | |
CExampleFlowElementB |