◆ constructor()
JavaScriptBuilderElement::constructor | ( | { objName='fod', protocol='', host='', endPoint='', enableCookies=true, minify=false } = {}
| ) |
Constructor for JavaScriptBuilder.
- Parameters
- {object} - options options object
- {string} - options.objName the name of the client side object with the JavaScript properties in it
- {string} - options.protocol The protocol ("http" or "https") used by the client side callback url. This can be overriden with header.protocol evidence
- {string} - options.host The host of the client side callback url. This can be overriden with header.host evidence.
- {string} - options.endPoint The endpoint of the client side callback url
- {boolean} - options.enableCookies Whether the client JavaScript stored results of client side processing in cookies. This can also be set per request, using the "query.fod-js-enable-cookies" evidence key. For more details on personal data policy, see http://51degrees.com/terms/client-services-privacy-policy/
- {boolean} - options.minify Whether to minify the JavaScript