abstract string
| DataSourceTier [get]
The tier to which the current data source belongs. More...
| LazyLoadingConfiguration [get]
The lazy loading configuration to use. More...
virtual bool
| HasLoadedProperties [get]
Provide an implementation for the non-generic, aspect-specific version of the meta-data property. More...
ILogger< FlowElementBase< T, TMeta > >
| Logger [get]
The logger for this instance More...
IReadOnlyList< IPipeline >
| Pipelines [get]
Get a read only list of the pipelines that this element has been added to. More...
abstract string
| ElementDataKey [get]
The string name of the key used to access the data populated by this element in the IFlowData. More...
abstract IEvidenceKeyFilter
| EvidenceKeyFilter [get]
A list of all the evidence keys that this Flow Element can make use of. More...
abstract IList< TMeta >
| Properties [get]
Details of the properties that this engine can populate More...
virtual bool
| Asynchronous [get]
True if the element can be run totally asynchronously, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool
| IsConcurrent [get]
True if the element starts multiple threads. More...
| IsDisposed [get]
True if the element has been disposed More...
ITypedKey< T >
| ElementDataKeyTyped [get]
Get the key used to access the data populated by this element in the IFlowData. More...