| PipelineBuilder (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
| PipelineBuilder (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IServiceProvider services)
virtual IPipeline
| BuildFromConfiguration (PipelineOptions options)
Build the pipeline using the specified configuration options. More...
| PipelineBuilderBase (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
virtual IPipeline
| Build ()
| AddFlowElement (IFlowElement element)
Add the specified IFlowElement to the pipeline. More...
| AddFlowElementsParallel (params IFlowElement[] elements)
Add the specified IFlowElement array to the pipeline. More...
| SetAutoDisposeElements (bool autoDispose)
Configure the Pipeline to either call dispose on it's child FlowElements when it is disposed or not. More...
| SetSuppressProcessException (bool suppressExceptions)
Configure the Pipeline to either suppress exceptions added to IFlowData.Errors during processing or to throw them as an aggregate exception once processing is complete. More...
| SetSuppressProcessExceptions (bool suppressExceptions)
Configure the Pipeline to either suppress exceptions added to IFlowData.Errors during processing or to throw them as an aggregate exception once processing is complete. More...