
51Degrees Pipeline .NET  4.1Newer Version 4.4

51Degrees Pipeline for .NET

FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData Interface Reference

Detailed Description

The IFlowData represents the data that is used within a pipeline.

The input data is referred to as 'evidence'. The output data is split into groups of related properties called 'aspects'.

Inheritance diagram for FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData:


Public Member Functions

void  AddError (Exception ex, IFlowElement flowElement)
Register an error that occurred while working with this instance. More...
IEvidence  GetEvidence ()
Get the IEvidence object that contains the input data for this instance. More...
bool  TryGetEvidence< T > (string key, out T value)
Try to get the data value from evidence. More...
IList< string >  GetDataKeys ()
Get the string keys to the aspects that are contained within the output data. More...
IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< string, object > >  GetWhere (Func< IElementPropertyMetaData, bool > predicate)
Get all element data values that match the specified predicate More...
void  Process ()
Use the pipeline to process this FlowData instance and populate the aspect data values. More...
IFlowData  AddEvidence (string key, object value)
Add the specified evidence to the FlowData More...
IFlowData  AddEvidence (IDictionary< string, object > evidence)
Add the specified evidence to the FlowData More...
IElementData  Get (string elementDataKey)
Get the IData instance containing data populated by the specified element. More...
T  Get< T > (ITypedKey< T > key)
Get the IElementData instance containing data populated by the specified element. More...
bool  TryGetValue< T > (ITypedKey< T > key, out T value)
Check if the flow data contains an item with the specified key name and type. More...
T  Get< T > ()
Get the IData instance containing data of the specified type. More...
T  GetFromElement< T, TMeta > (IFlowElement< T, TMeta > flowElement)
Get the IElementData instance containing data populated by the specified element. More...
T  GetAs< T > (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as the specified type. More...
bool  GetAsBool (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a boolean. More...
string  GetAsString (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a string. More...
int  GetAsInt (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a int. More...
long  GetAsLong (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a long. More...
float  GetAsFloat (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a float. More...
double  GetAsDouble (string propertyName)
Get the specified property as a double. More...
T  GetOrAdd< T > (string elementDataKey, Func< IFlowData, T > createData)
Get or add the specified element data to the internal map. More...
T  GetOrAdd< T > (ITypedKey< T > key, Func< IFlowData, T > createData)
Add the specified element data to the internal map. More...
IDictionary< string, object >  ElementDataAsDictionary ()
Get the element data for this instance as a dictionary. More...
IEnumerable< IElementData >  ElementDataAsEnumerable ()
Get the element data for this instance as an enumerable. More...
DataKey  GenerateKey (IEvidenceKeyFilter filter)
Generate a DataKey that contains the evidence data from this instance that matches the specified filter. More...


bool  Stop [get, set]
A boolean flag that can be used to stop further elements from executing. More...
IList< IFlowError >  Errors [get]
The errors that have occurred during processing More...
IPipeline  Pipeline [get]
The pipeline used to create this flow data. More...
IEvidenceKeyFilter  EvidenceKeyFilter [get]
Get a filter that will only include the evidence keys that can be used by the elements within the pipeline that created this flow element. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddError()

void FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.AddError ( Exception   ex,
IFlowElement   flowElement  

Register an error that occurred while working with this instance.

ex - The exception that occurred.
flowElement - The flow element that the exception occurred in.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ ElementDataAsDictionary()

IDictionary<string, object> FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.ElementDataAsDictionary ( )

Get the element data for this instance as a dictionary.

A dictionary containing the element data.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ ElementDataAsEnumerable()

IEnumerable<IElementData> FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.ElementDataAsEnumerable ( )

Get the element data for this instance as an enumerable.

An enumerable containing the element data.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAs< T >()

T FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAs< T > ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as the specified type.

Template Parameters
T - The type to return the property value as
propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsBool()

bool FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsBool ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a boolean.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsDouble()

double FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsDouble ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a double.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsFloat()

float FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsFloat ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a float.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsInt()

int FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsInt ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a int.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsLong()

long FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsLong ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a long.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetAsString()

string FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetAsString ( string   propertyName )

Get the specified property as a string.

propertyName - The name of the property to get
The property value

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetDataKeys()

IList<string> FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetDataKeys ( )

Get the string keys to the aspects that are contained within the output data.


Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ GetFromElement< T, TMeta >()

T FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetFromElement< T, TMeta > ( IFlowElement< T, TMeta >   flowElement )

Get the IElementData instance containing data populated by the specified element.

Template Parameters
T - The expected type of the data to be returned.
TMeta - The type of meta data that the flow element will supply about the properties it populates.
flowElement - The IFlowElement<T, TMeta> that populated the desired data.
An instance of type T containing the data.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

Type Constraints
T :IElementData 
TMeta :IElementPropertyMetaData 

◆ GetOrAdd< T >() [1/2]

T FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetOrAdd< T > ( string   elementDataKey,
Func< IFlowData, T >   createData  

Get or add the specified element data to the internal map.

Template Parameters
T - The type of the data being stored.
elementDataKey - The name of the element to store the data under.
createData - The method to use to create a new data to store if one does not already exist.
Existing data matching the key, or newly added data.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

Type Constraints
T :IElementData 

◆ GetOrAdd< T >() [2/2]

T FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetOrAdd< T > ( ITypedKey< T >   key,
Func< IFlowData, T >   createData  

Add the specified element data to the internal map.

Template Parameters
T - The type of the data being stored.
key - The key to use when storing the data.
createData - The method to use to create a new data to store if one does not already exist.
Existing data matching the key, or newly added data.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

Type Constraints
T :IElementData 

◆ GetWhere()

IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object> > FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.GetWhere ( Func< IElementPropertyMetaData, bool >   predicate )

Get all element data values that match the specified predicate

predicate - If a property passed to this function returns true then it will be included in the results
All the element data values that match the predicate

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ TryGetEvidence< T >()

bool FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.TryGetEvidence< T > ( string   key,
out T   value  

Try to get the data value from evidence.

key - The evidence key.
value - The value from evidence.
True if a value for a given key is found or False if the key is not found or if the method cannot cast the value to the requested type.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

◆ TryGetValue< T >()

bool FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.TryGetValue< T > ( ITypedKey< T >   key,
out T   value  

Check if the flow data contains an item with the specified key name and type.

If it does exist, retrieve it.

key - The key to check for.
value - The value associated with the key.
True if an entry matching the key exists, false otherwise.

Implemented in FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.FlowData.

Type Constraints
T :IElementData 

Property Documentation

◆ Errors

IList<IFlowError> FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.Errors

The errors that have occurred during processing

◆ EvidenceKeyFilter

IEvidenceKeyFilter FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.EvidenceKeyFilter

Get a filter that will only include the evidence keys that can be used by the elements within the pipeline that created this flow element.

◆ Pipeline

IPipeline FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.Pipeline

The pipeline used to create this flow data.

◆ Stop

bool FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Data.IFlowData.Stop
get set

A boolean flag that can be used to stop further elements from executing.