
51Degrees Device Detection Python  4.4

Device Detection services for 51Degrees Pipeline

51Degrees Device Detection Engines - Examples

51Degrees v4 Device Detection Python

Developer Documentation | Available Properties


This project contains examples for the 51Degrees device detection engines contained in this repository. Then you will be able to run the examples directly:


Any of the examples in this project can be run by calling python directly. For example, to run the cloud getting started example:

python -m fiftyone_devicedetection_examples.cloud.gettingstarted_console


To run the tests use:

python -m unittest discover -s tests -p test*.py -b

Cloud tests will only run with a valid 51Degrees resource key (see above) set as a resource_key operating system environment variable.

For example, use following command to set resource_key on Linux: export resource_key=MY-RESOURCE-KEY

On Microsoft Windows use: $env:resource_key = "MY-RESOURCE-KEY"

As the performance and offline processing tests take longer than the others, there is another environment variable flag to run those:

Linux: export run_performance_tests=true

Microsoft Windows: $env:run_performance_tests = "true"