
51Degrees Device Detection Python  4.4

Device Detection services for 51Degrees Pipeline

51Degrees Device Detection Engines - On-Premise

51Degrees v4 Device Detection Python

Developer Documentation | Available Properties


This project contains the 51Degrees On-Premise Device Detection Engines for Python which can be used with the Pipeline API.

The Pipeline is a generic web request intelligence and data processing solution with the ability to add a range of 51Degrees and/or custom plug ins (Engines)

This engine is a C++ library with a Python wrapper built using SWIG.


  • Python 3.8+
  • One of the following supported platforms:
    • Windows Server 2019 / Windows 10
    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • MacOS X Mojave 10.14
  • C/C++ Compiler
    • VS2015+
    • GCC 7.4+
    • Clang/LLVM 11.0.0+
  • The 'atomic' library on Linux platform for GCC
  • The Cython python library
  • The flask python library to run the web examples
  • Python3 Dev Package is also required to build extensions on Linux and MacOS


The extension requires that you have set up the required build tools for your platform.



From PyPi

pip install fiftyone_devicedetection_onpremise

You can confirm this is working with the following micro-example.

  • Run the example with python exampledd.py
  • Feel free to try different user-agents and property values.
from fiftyone_devicedetection_onpremise.devicedetection_onpremise_pipelinebuilder import DeviceDetectionOnPremisePipelineBuilder
pipeline = DeviceDetectionOnPremisePipelineBuilder(
data_file_path = /path/to/hash/data/file, licence_keys = "",
fd = pipeline.create_flowdata()
fd.evidence.add("header.user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148")

For more in-depth examples, check out the examples page in the documentation.

From GitHub

If you've cloned the GitHub repository, you will need to build the extension. Make sure Python3 Dev Package is installed if you are using Linux or MacOS.

cd fiftyone_devicedetection_onpremise/
python setup.py build_clib build_ext
python -m pip install -e .


If you've cloned the GitHub repository, you will be able to run the examples in the fiftyone_devicedetection_examples directory.


To run the tests use:

python -m unittest discover -s tests -p test*.py -b