
51Degrees Device Detection Java  4.4

Device detection services for 51Degrees Pipeline
  • fiftyone
  • devicedetection
  • hash
  • engine
  • onpremise
  • interop
  • Constants

fiftyone.devicedetection.hash.engine.onpremise.interop.Constants Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

Message returned when the native library could not be loaded. More...
Message returned when the native library could not be loaded, and it is obvious that libatomic is missing. More...

Member Data Documentation


final String fiftyone.devicedetection.hash.engine.onpremise.interop.Constants.UNSATISFIED_LINK_LIBATOMIC_MESSAGE
Initial value:
"The libatomic1 library is missing. This is a required 3rd party " +
"dependency for 51Degrees device detection. You should " +

Message returned when the native library could not be loaded, and it is obvious that libatomic is missing.


final String fiftyone.devicedetection.hash.engine.onpremise.interop.Constants.UNSATISFIED_LINK_MESSAGE
Initial value:
"The native library failed to load. This may mean that either " +
"the library itself or one of its dependencies is not " +
"accessible or not in the correct format for the target OS or " +
"architecture. Common reasons: /tmp mounted with noexec flag, or libatomic is missing. " +
"In the former case provide a different dir (with execute permissions) via `java.io.tmpdir` option. " +
"In the latter case, " + USE_PACKAGE_MANAGER

Message returned when the native library could not be loaded.