
51Degrees Device Detection C/C++  4.4

A device detection library that is used natively or by 51Degrees products

FiftyoneDegrees::Examples::Hash::MetaDataExample Class Reference

Detailed Description

Hash Meta Data Example.


Inheritance diagram for FiftyoneDegrees::Examples::Hash::MetaDataExample:


Collaboration diagram for FiftyoneDegrees::Examples::Hash::MetaDataExample:


Public Member Functions

 MetaDataExample (string dataFilePath, DeviceDetection::Hash::ConfigHash *config)
Construct a new instance of the example to be run using the data file provided. More...
void  run ()
Run the example. More...

Public Member Functions inherited from FiftyoneDegrees::Examples::Hash::ExampleBase

 ExampleBase (byte *data, long length, DeviceDetection::Hash::ConfigHash *config)
Construct a new instance of the example to be run using the data pointer provided. More...
 ExampleBase (string dataFilePath)
Construct a new instance of the example to be run using the data file provided. More...
 ExampleBase (string dataFilePath, DeviceDetection::Hash::ConfigHash *config)
Construct a new instance of the example to be run using the data file and configuration provided. More...
virtual  ~ExampleBase ()
Dispose of anything created with the example.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MetaDataExample()

FiftyoneDegrees::Examples::Hash::MetaDataExample::MetaDataExample ( string   dataFilePath,
DeviceDetection::Hash::ConfigHash *   config  

Construct a new instance of the example to be run using the data file provided.

dataFilePath - path to the data file to use

Member Function Documentation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /home/runner/work/device-detection-cxx/device-detection-cxx/common/device-detection-cxx/examples/CPP/Hash/MetaData.cpp