Check out the latest documentation.

Installing the Go API

If you haven't already, you can obtain a copy of the latest version of the API using one of the links on the downloads page.

From git

Clone 51Degrees/Device-Detection repository with

$ git clone


Checkout the go beta branch with

Move to the go directory with

$ cd Device-Detection/go/



To set upthe environment withthe Pattern algorithm, do:

$ make pattern


For the Hash Trie algorithm, do:

$ make hash


If you wish to generate the Swig wrapper as well then do:

$ make swig-pat



$ make swig-hash



To set up the environment with the Pattern algorithms, do:

> PreBuild.bat


For the Hash Trie algorithm, do:

> PreBuild.bat HASH


If you wish to generatte the Swig wrapper as well then do:

> PreBuild.bat SWIG



> PreBuild.bat HASH SWIG


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