
Chart of the Week 1 - April 2013


4/5/2013 4:45 PM


With both flagship handsets having been released within a month of each other, Blackberry's Z10 and Sony's Xperia Z go head to head in this edition of Chart of the Week.



This week's chart shows web traffic usage of the Blackberry Z10 in comparison to the traffic of the Sony Xperia Z during March 2013.

Web browsing from the Xperia Z is more popular in Australia and Europe, whereas in the US and Canada the Blackberry Z10 is winning. Canada is Blackberry's home turf, but they've managed to make a stronger impression in the American market than Sony.

The UK shows a roughly even split with a slight swing towards the flagship Sony device. Have Blackberry lost their dominance in the UK, or are they still a force to be reckoned with?


Data sources