A Poor Mobile Web Experience
Todays the first day of Ad:Tech London 2013, “The Event for Digital Marketing”. With 7.6% of web traffic coming from Tablets, and 23% from mobile devices globally in August 2013, the organisers dmgevents should know that mobile is important to web marketing. I was therefore more than a little surprised to receive the following home page, and floor plan when I accessed the events web site on a mobile phone.

Further analysis of the home page using Chrome revealed a whopping 2.3MB home page, taking 18.7 seconds to load on a fixed line connection, and made up of 143 separate HTTP requests. That's about as mobile unfriendly a web page as you can get. Not quite one that's going to win the 51Degrees.mobi hunt for the worlds heaviest web site, but getting close.

Making web sites work on mobile has never been easier, particularly with .NET the platform Ad:Tech is based on. Therefore I can only conclude Ad:Tech and dmgevents don't believe a good mobile web experience is important to event promotion.