
51Degrees Pipeline Java  4.4

51Degrees Pipeline for Java

fiftyone.pipeline.engines.fiftyone.flowelements.SetHeadersElement Class Reference

Detailed Description

[class] [constructor]

SetHeadersElement constructs the header values to be set in the HTTP response.

See also

Inheritance diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.engines.fiftyone.flowelements.SetHeadersElement:


Collaboration diagram for fiftyone.pipeline.engines.fiftyone.flowelements.SetHeadersElement:



class  PipelineConfig
Internal class to hold 'SetHeader' properties available per pipeline. More...
class  PropertyDetails
Internal class to hold a list of property metadata and its response header to set. More...

Public Member Functions

 SetHeadersElement (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< SetHeadersData > elementDataFactory)
String  getElementDataKey ()
EvidenceKeyFilter  getEvidenceKeyFilter ()
List< ElementPropertyMetaData >  getProperties ()

Public Member Functions inherited from fiftyone.pipeline.core.flowelements.FlowElementBase< TData extends ElementData, TProperty extends ElementPropertyMetaData >

 FlowElementBase (Logger logger, ElementDataFactory< TData > elementDataFactory)
Construct a new instance of the FlowElement. More...
void  addPipeline (Pipeline pipeline)
List< Pipeline >  getPipelines ()
Get a unmodifiable list of the Pipelines that this element has been added to. More...
abstract String  getElementDataKey () abstract EvidenceKeyFilter  getEvidenceKeyFilter () abstract List< TProperty >  getProperties () TProperty  getProperty (String name) TypedKey< TData >  getTypedDataKey () void  process (FlowData data) throws Exception DataFactory< TData >  getDataFactory () boolean  isConcurrent () boolean  isClosed () void  close () throws Exception

Public Member Functions inherited from fiftyone.pipeline.core.flowelements.FlowElement< TData, TProperty >

void  process (FlowData data) throws Exception
Carry out whatever operations this element is designed to do using the FlowData passed. More...
void  addPipeline (Pipeline pipeline)
Called when this element is added to a pipeline. More...
EvidenceKeyFilter  getEvidenceKeyFilter ()
Get a filter that will only include the evidence keys that this element can make use of. More...
String  getElementDataKey ()
Get the string name of the key used to access the data populated by this element in the FlowData. More...
TypedKey< TData >  getTypedDataKey ()
Get the typed data key used for retrieving strongly typed element data. More...
List< TProperty >  getProperties ()
Get details of the properties that this element can populate. More...
TProperty  getProperty (String name)
Get a property from the properties that this element can populate using its name. More...
boolean  isConcurrent ()
if true, requires that the Pipeline guards against concurrent access to FlowData structures More...
boolean  isClosed ()
Indicates whether the element has been closed using the close() method, either explicitly or as a result of a 'try with resource'. More...
DataFactory< TData >  getDataFactory ()
Get the factory used to create the element data instances that are populated by this flow element. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final String  SET_HEADER_ELEMENT_DATAKEY = "set-headers"
The element data key.
static final String  SET_HEADER_PREFIX = "SetHeader"
The prefix of the SetHeader* properties of the Device Detection engine.
static final String  SET_HEADER_PREFIX_LOWER_CASE = "setheader"
Lower case prefix of the SetHeader* properties.

Protected Member Functions

void  processInternal (FlowData data) throws Exception
void  managedResourcesCleanup ()
void  unmanagedResourcesCleanup ()

Protected Member Functions inherited from fiftyone.pipeline.core.flowelements.FlowElementBase< TData extends ElementData, TProperty extends ElementPropertyMetaData >

abstract void  processInternal (FlowData data) throws Exception
Abstract method to be overridden by a FlowElement author. More...
abstract void  managedResourcesCleanup ()
Cleanup any managed resources that the element is using.
abstract void  unmanagedResourcesCleanup ()
Cleanup any unmanaged resources that the element is using.
void  close (boolean closing)
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