
51Degrees Device Detection .NET  4.4

Device detection services for 51Degrees Pipeline


This example shows how to use the 51Degrees Cloud service to lookup the details of a device based on a given 'TAC'. More background information on TACs can be found through various online sources such as Wikipedia.

This example is available in full on GitHub.

Required NuGet Dependencies:

  • FiftyOne.DeviceDetection
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
/* *********************************************************************
* This Original Work is copyright of 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited.
* Copyright 2023 51 Degrees Mobile Experts Limited, Davidson House,
* Forbury Square, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG1 3EU.
* This Original Work is licensed under the European Union Public Licence
* (EUPL) v.1.2 and is subject to its terms as set out below.
* If a copy of the EUPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
* one at https://opensource.org/licenses/EUPL-1.2.
* The 'Compatible Licences' set out in the Appendix to the EUPL (as may be
* amended by the European Commission) shall be deemed incompatible for
* the purposes of the Work and the provisions of the compatibility
* clause in Article 5 of the EUPL shall not apply.
* If using the Work as, or as part of, a network application, by
* including the attribution notice(s) required under Article 5 of the EUPL
* in the end user terms of the application under an appropriate heading,
* such notice(s) shall fulfill the requirements of that article.
* ********************************************************************* */
using FiftyOne.DeviceDetection.Cloud.Data;
using FiftyOne.DeviceDetection.Cloud.FlowElements;
using FiftyOne.Pipeline.CloudRequestEngine.FlowElements;
using FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Configuration;
using FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.FlowElements;
using FiftyOne.Pipeline.Engines.FiftyOne.FlowElements;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
public class Program
public class Example
// Example values to use when looking up device details from TACs.
private const string _tac1 = "35925406";
private const string _tac2 = "86386802";
public void Run(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, TextWriter output)
output.WriteLine("This example shows the details of devices " +
"associated with a given 'Type Allocation Code' or 'TAC'.");
output.WriteLine("More background information on TACs can be " +
"found through various online sources such as Wikipedia: " +
var pipelineOptions = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<PipelineOptions>();
var loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
// In this example, we use the FiftyOnePipelineBuilder and configure it from a file.
// For a demonstration of how to do this in code instead, see the
// NativeModelLookup example.
// For more information about builders in general see the documentation at
// https://51degrees.com/documentation/_concepts__configuration__builders__index.html
// Create the pipeline using the service provider and the configured options.
using (var pipeline = new FiftyOnePipelineBuilder(loggerFactory, serviceProvider)
// Pass a TAC into the pipeline and list the matching devices.
AnalyseTac(_tac1, pipeline, output);
AnalyseTac(_tac2, pipeline, output);
static void AnalyseTac(string tac, IPipeline pipeline, TextWriter output)
// Create the FlowData instance.
using (var data = pipeline.CreateFlowData())
// Add the TAC as evidence.
data.AddEvidence(Shared.Constants.EVIDENCE_QUERY_TAC_KEY, tac);
// Process the supplied evidence.
// Get result data from the flow data.
var result = data.Get<MultiDeviceDataCloud>();
output.WriteLine($"Which devices are associated with the TAC '{tac}'?");
// The 'MultiDeviceDataCloud' object contains one or more instances
// implementing 'IDeviceData'.
// This is the same interface used for standard device detection, so we have
// access to all the same properties.
foreach (var device in result.Profiles)
var vendor = device.HardwareVendor.GetHumanReadable();
var name = device.HardwareName.GetHumanReadable();
var model = device.HardwareModel.GetHumanReadable();
output.WriteLine($"\t{vendor} {name} ({model})");
public void Run(PipelineOptions options, TextWriter output)
// Initialize a service collection which will be used to create the services
// required by the Pipeline and manage their lifetimes.
using (var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
// Add the configuration to the services collection.
// Make sure we're logging to the console.
.AddLogging(l => l.AddConsole())
// Add an HttpClient instance. This is used for making requests to the
// cloud service.
// Add the builders that will be needed to create the engines specified in the
// configuration file.
// Get the resource key setting from the config file.
var resourceKey = options.GetResourceKey();
// If we don't have a resource key then log an error.
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceKey))
$"No resource key specified on the command line or in " +
$"the environment variable '{ExampleUtils.CLOUD_RESOURCE_KEY_ENV_VAR}'. " +
$"The 51Degrees cloud service is accessed using a 'ResourceKey'. " +
$"For more information see " +
$"https://51degrees.com/documentation/_info__resource_keys.html. " +
$"TAC lookup is not available as a free service. This means " +
$"that you will first need a license key, which can be purchased " +
$"from our pricing page: https://51degrees.com/pricing. Once this is " +
$"done, a resource key with the properties required by this example " +
$"can be created at https://configure.51degrees.com/QKyYH5XT. You " +
$"can now populate the environment variable mentioned at the start " +
$"of this message with the resource key or pass it as the first " +
$"argument on the command line.");
new Example().Run(serviceProvider, output);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Use the command line args to get the resource key if present.
// Otherwise, get it from the environment variable.
string resourceKey = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] :
// Load the configuration file
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
// Bind the configuration to a pipeline options instance
PipelineOptions options = new PipelineOptions();
var section = config.GetRequiredSection("PipelineOptions");
// Use the 'ErrorOnUnknownConfiguration' option to warn us if we've got any
// misnamed configuration keys.
section.Bind(options, (o) => { o.ErrorOnUnknownConfiguration = true; });
// Get the resource key setting from the config file.
var resourceKeyFromConfig = options.GetResourceKey();
var configHasKey = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceKeyFromConfig) == false &&
resourceKeyFromConfig.StartsWith("!!") == false;
// If no resource key is specified in the config file then override it with the key
// from the environment variable / command line.
if (configHasKey == false)
new Example().Run(options, Console.Out);