bool hasValuesInternal(int requiredPropertyIndex)
Get whether or not there are valid values available for the property identified by its index in the r...
string getDeviceId() const
Returns the unique device id if the Id property was included in the required list of properties when ...
virtual ~ResultsHash()
Release the reference to the underlying results and and associated data set.
Encapsulates the results of a Hash device detection engine's processing.
Definition: ResultsHash.hpp:64
const char * getNoValueMessageInternal(fiftyoneDegreesResultsNoValueReason reason)
Get the message explaining the reason for missing values.
void getValuesInternal(int requiredPropertyIndex, vector< string > &values)
Get the values for the index in required properties and add them to the values vector supplied.
int getDrift() const
Returns the maximum drift for a matched substring from the character position where it was expected t...
Array of items of type fiftyoneDegreesResultHash used to easily access and track the size of the arra...
Definition: hash.h:365
string getTrace() const
Get the trace route in a readable format showing the hash nodes which were visited during processing.
int getMatchedNodes() const
Returns the number of hash nodes matched within the evidence.
string getUserAgent(int resultIndex) const
Returns relevant parts of the User-Agent which most closely matched the target User-Agent if the Conf...
Enum containing reasons which cause a value to not be present or valid.
Definition: results.h:56
fiftyoneDegreesResultsNoValueReason getNoValueReasonInternal(int requiredPropertyIndex)
Get the reason for values not being available.
Encapsulates the results of a device detection engine's processing.
Definition: ResultsDeviceDetection.hpp:76
ResultsHash(fiftyoneDegreesResultsHash *results, shared_ptr< fiftyoneDegreesResourceManager > manager)
Create a new instance of Results from the results structure provided.
int getMethod() const
Returns the method used to determine the match result.
int getDifference() const
Returns the total difference between the results returned and the target User-Agents.
int getUserAgents() const
Returns the number of different User-Agents that were used in the results.
int getIterations() const
Get the number of iterations carried out in order to find a match.