Some results were not returned. See the Errors tab below.
Here's what we got:
Check out Device Metrics and Evidence to find out which parts of the provided HTTP headers we found statistically relevant. That's the 51Degrees machine learning magic.
Link back to these Desktop HTTP headers .
Like what you see? You can use our User-Agent Parser in your own environment: download the 51Degrees UAParser from NPM .
Names, versions, and vendors for the device components.
Property | Value |
HardwareVendor | Unknown |
HardwareModel | Unknown |
HardwareName | Desktop, Emulator |
PlatformVendor | Microsoft |
PlatformName | Windows |
PlatformVersion | 10.0 |
BrowserVendor | Brave Software |
BrowserName | Brave Desktop |
BrowserVersion | 1.65 |
HardwareFamily | Emulator |
OEM | Unknown |
HardwareModelVariants | N/A |
Evidence used in the detection where highlighted characters are those relevant to the result.
Name | Matched Value |
sec-ch-ua-platform sec-ch-ua-model sec-ch-ua-mobile |
'"Windows"' '""' ?0 |
sec-ch-ua-platform sec-ch-ua-platform-version |
'"Windows"' '"10.0.0"' |
sec-ch-ua-platform | '"Windows"' |
sec-ch-ua-full-version-list sec-ch-ua-mobile sec-ch-ua-platform |
'"Chromium";v="", "Brave";v="", "Not-A.Brand";v=""' ?0 '"Windows"' |
sec-ch-ua sec-ch-ua-mobile sec-ch-ua-platform |
'"Chromium";v="124", "Brave";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"' ?0 '"Windows"' |
sec-ch-ua-mobile | ?0 |
Properties of the device screen.
Property | Value |
ScreenPixelsWidth | 0 |
ScreenPixelsHeight | 0 |
ScreenInchesDiagonal | 0 |
Properties of the processor and graphics chips in the device.
Property | Value |
CPU | Unknown |
GPU | Unknown |
SoC | Unknown |
Images of the device if available.
Large Images
Small Images
Properties and values relevant to User-Agent Client-Hints.
Property | Value |
SetHeaderBrowserAccept-CH | Sec-CH-UA,Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List,Sec-CH-UA-Mobile,Sec-CH-UA-Platform |
SetHeaderHardwareAccept-CH | Sec-CH-UA-Model,Sec-CH-UA-Mobile |
SetHeaderPlatformAccept-CH | Sec-CH-UA-Platform,Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version |
JavascriptGetHighEntropyValues | if(navigator.userAgentData){navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues(["model","platform","platformVersion","fullVersionList"]).then(t=>{document.cookie=`51D_GetHighEntropyValues=${btoa(JSON.stringify(t))}` // 51D replace this comment with callback function. })} else { // 51D replace this comment with callback function. } |
When the components were released and discontinued.
Property | Value |
ReleaseYear | 0 |
ReleaseMonth | Unknown |
PlatformReleaseYear | 2015 |
PlatformReleaseMonth | July |
PlatformDiscontinuedMonth | N/A |
PlatformDiscontinuedYear | 0 |
BrowserReleaseMonth | April |
BrowserReleaseYear | 2024 |
BrowserDiscontinuedMonth | May |
BrowserDiscontinuedYear | 2024 |
BrowserReleaseAge | 9 |
BrowserDiscontinuedAge | 8 |
ReleaseAge | 0 |
Metrics relating to the detection result.
Property | Value |
MatchedNodes | 26 |
Difference | 0 |
Drift | 0 |
DeviceId | 15364-38914-133206 |
Iterations | 83 |
General properties which do not fall into another category.
Property | Value |
SupportedBearers | Unknown |
IsCrawler | |
CrawlerName | |
HardwareImages | Front http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/Front_15364.png |
IsDataMinimising | False |
Promise | None |
Fetch | False |
Preload | False |
BrowserLogos | 16x16 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/16x16_133206.png, 128x128 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/128x128_133206.png |
PlatformLogos | 16x16 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/16x16_38914.png, 128x128 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/128x128_38914.png |
PriceBand | Unknown |
DeviceType | Desktop |
WebP | False |
JavaScript values that can be used to get more evidence from the browser.
Property | Value |
JavascriptHardwareProfile | |
ScreenPixelsHeightJavaScript | //Set screen pixels height cookie. document.cookie = "51D_ScreenPixelsHeight=" + screen.height; |
ScreenPixelsWidthJavaScript | //Set screen pixels width cookie. document.cookie = "51D_ScreenPixelsWidth=" + screen.width; |
Ranking statistics where low values indicate greater popularity.
Property | Value |
HardwareRank | 2 |
PlatformRank | 4 |
BrowserRank | 958 |
Error | Value |
IsCrawler | None of the results contain a value for the requested property. |
CrawlerName | None of the results contain a value for the requested property. |
Want to try again? Enter the HTTP headers you wish to test such as the User-Agent or User-Agent Client Hints. Then press the Submit button.