| ShareUsageBuilderBase (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
| ShareUsageBuilderBase (ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, Logger logger)
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setIncludedQueryStringParameters (List< String > queryStringParameterNames)
By default, query string parameters are not shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setIncludedQueryStringParameters (String queryStringParameterNames)
By default, query string parameters are not shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setIncludedQueryStringParameter (String queryStringParameterName)
By default, query string parameters are not shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setBlockedHttpHeaders (List< String > blockedHeaders)
By default, all HTTP headers (excluding a few such as 'cookies', if they don't start with 51D_) are shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setBlockedHttpHeaders (String blockedHeaders)
By default, all HTTP headers (excluding a few such as 'cookies', if they don't start with 51D_) are shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setBlockedHttpHeader (String blockedHeader)
By default, all HTTP headers (excluding a few such as 'cookies', if they don't start with 51D_) are shared. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setIgnoreFlowDataEvidenceFilter (String evidenceFilter)
This setter can be used to stop the usage sharing element from sharing anything about specific requests. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setSharePercentage (double sharePercentage)
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setMinimumEntriesPerMessage (int minimumEntriesPerMessage)
The usage element will group data into single requests before sending it. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setMaximumQueueSize (int size)
Set the maximum number of entries to be stored in the queue to be sent. More...
| getMaximumQueueSize ()
Get the maximum number of entries to be stored in the queue to be sent. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setAddTimeout (int milliseconds)
Set the timeout in milliseconds to allow when attempting to add an item to the queue. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setAddTimeoutMillis (int milliseconds)
Set the timeout in milliseconds to allow when attempting to add an item to the queue. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setTakeTimeout (int milliseconds)
Set the timeout in milliseconds to allow when attempting to take an item from the queue in order to send to the remote service. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setTakeTimeoutMillis (int milliseconds)
Set the timeout in milliseconds to allow when attempting to take an item from the queue in order to send to the remote service. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setShareUsageUrl (String shareUsageUrl)
Set the URL to use when sharing usage data. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setSessionCookieName (String cookieName)
Set the name of the cookie that contains the session id. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setRepeatEvidenceIntervalMinutes (int interval)
If exactly the same evidence values are seen multiple times within this time limit then they will only be shared once. More...
ShareUsageBuilderBase< T >
| setTrackSession (boolean track)
If set to true, the configured session cookie will be used to identify user sessions. More...
abstract T
| build () throws IOException