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Apple device detection

These HTTP headers represent an iPhone or iPad and the User-Agent alone is not enough to identify the device model . You'll notice that the 'HardwareName' property lists all the possible models. To get a more accurate detection, we need to use JavaScript to gather additional information. This User-Agent tester cannot run the Javascript, but it is available via our API.

If you are actually using the device on this site right now, head to the me page to get a more precise model name.


Here's what we got.

Check out Device Metrics and Evidence to find out which parts of the provided HTTP headers we found statistically relevant. That's the 51Degrees machine learning magic.

Link back to these SmartPhone  HTTP headers .

Like what you see? You can use our User-Agent Parser in your own environment: download the 51Degrees UAParser from NPM .

Names, versions, and vendors for the device components.

Property Value
HardwareVendor Apple
HardwareModel iPhone 6s Plus
HardwareName iPhone 6s Plus
PlatformVendor Apple
PlatformName iOS
PlatformVersion 14.0
BrowserVendor Facebook
BrowserName Facebook for iOS
BrowserVersion Unknown
HardwareFamily iPhone 6s Plus
OEM Apple
HardwareModelVariants A1634, A1687, A1690, A1699

Evidence used in the detection where highlighted characters are those relevant to the result.

Name Matched Value
user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 [FBAN/FBIOS;FBDV/iPhone8,2;FBMD/iPhone;FBSN/iOS;FBSV/14.0;FBSS/3;FBID/phone;FBLC/en_US;FBOP/5]

Properties of the device screen.

Property Value
ScreenPixelsWidth 1080
ScreenPixelsHeight 1920
ScreenInchesDiagonal 5.5

Properties of the processor and graphics chips in the device.

Property Value
CPU Twister
GPU PowerVR GT7600
SoC A9

Images of the device if available.

Large Images

Front 128x128 128x128

Small Images

16x16 16x16

Properties and values relevant to User-Agent Client-Hints.

Property Value
SetHeaderBrowserAccept-CH Unknown
SetHeaderHardwareAccept-CH Unknown
SetHeaderPlatformAccept-CH Unknown

When the components were released and discontinued.

Property Value
ReleaseYear 2015
ReleaseMonth September
PlatformReleaseYear 2020
PlatformReleaseMonth September
PlatformDiscontinuedMonth September
PlatformDiscontinuedYear 2020
BrowserReleaseMonth Unknown
BrowserReleaseYear 0
BrowserDiscontinuedMonth Unknown
BrowserDiscontinuedYear 0
BrowserReleaseAge 0
BrowserDiscontinuedAge 0
ReleaseAge 103

Metrics relating to the detection result.

Property Value
MatchedNodes 17
Difference 0
Drift 0
DeviceId 57693-105116-53729-18092
Iterations 49

General properties which do not fall into another category.

Property Value
IsCrawler False
CrawlerName NotCrawler
HardwareImages Front http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/Front_57693.png
IsDataMinimising False
Promise None
Fetch False
Preload False
BrowserLogos 16x16 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/16x16_53729.png, 128x128 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/128x128_53729.png
PlatformLogos 16x16 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/16x16_105116.png, 128x128 http://images.51degrees.mobi/DI/128x128_105116.png
PriceBand 900.00 - 999.99
DeviceType SmartPhone
WebP False

JavaScript values that can be used to get more evidence from the browser.

Property Value
ScreenPixelsHeightJavaScript //Set screen pixels height cookie. document.cookie = "51D_ScreenPixelsHeight=" + screen.height;
ScreenPixelsWidthJavaScript //Set screen pixels width cookie. document.cookie = "51D_ScreenPixelsWidth=" + screen.width;

Ranking statistics where low values indicate greater popularity.

Property Value
HardwareRank 360
PlatformRank 143
BrowserRank 15

Want to try again? Enter the HTTP headers you wish to test such as the User-Agent or User-Agent Client Hints. Then press the Submit button.