Windows 10 hands on review
The Windows 10 preview was presented last April as part of the Window NT family operating systems. The Technical Preview has come a long way. But there's still quite a bit time before the next generation of Windows is humming along on our PCs, tablets and phones. Microsoft still has not offered an official release date, however it is expected to be released to manufacturing in mid-2015.
Windows Versions Web Activity
Windows 10's market share grew seven fold to 0.07% of the total Windows OS while rival NetMarketShare pegs Microsoft's latest OS at a mere 0.09% of the global desktop OS market share, up from 0.05% in February. More information offered by TechRadar.

In the meantime, there are older OSes still popular as Windows 7, the most popular, with 57.66% of web activity based in April, far ahead of Windows XP, decreasing at the beginning of the year with 17.39%, and Windows 8.1, with 14.30%.

The above graphic shows how Windows 8.1 has gone increasing along the last several months but still far ahead of Windows 7. Windows 10 might be the alternative and expected available in 190 countries and 111 languages upon launch.